According to the most recent data, the Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) have been downloaded more than 432 billion times globally, and Huawei Harmony OS users have exceeded 300 million. 

Google sent an email to Android app developers asking them not to use the HMS SDK (Software Development Kit) in their apps. Google also stated that after 120 days, any apps that use the HMS SDK will be removed. 

Why it matters 

In the realm of operating systems, American companies dominate the market, such as Google’s Android system, Apple’s iOS system, and Microsoft’s Windows system. Two foundations are required for an operating system to run for a long time. One requirement is that the number of new users continues to grow. Secondly, the app ecosystem should be constantly improved, which is based on the growing number of apps. 


In 2019, Google stopped licensing GMS to Huawei, and then Huawei developed HMS to replace GMS. In order to enrich HMS applications, Huawei spent $1 billion (6.36 billion yuan) to fund application developers. When Google further restricted Huawei’s usage of Android in 2020, Huawei launched Harmony OS.   

Huawei Harmony OS was only developed in the Chinese market at first, relying on the existing users of Huawei phones to promote the System. But earlier this year, Huawei introduced the System to the international market, and the P50 Pocket sold to the international market is equipped with its Harmony OS.