According to Consumer Reports released by Group on March 7, travel orders per female user in 2021 increased by 11% compared to 2020. Women spent 33% more on travel than men per capita, while women made 62% of live streaming orders. 

Furthermore, in 2021, female users’ travel consumption in new Chinese first-tier cities increased rapidly, with total consumption growing by 30% year on year, reaching 65% of total consumption in first-tier cities. Additionally, the growth rate of this group’s average travel consumption ranked first. It is expected to gradually catch up with first-tier cities in the future. 

Educational tourism has grown in popularity among Chinese families in recent years. Chinese mothers dedicate greater efforts to their children’s well-rounded education and interest cultivation, especially since the implementation of the “double reduction” policy in China. 

In 2021, saw a surge in the number of orders for educational tourism, with women being the main booking group. Specifically, parent-child outdoor activities, independent camps (summer camps, winter camps, etc.), scientific exploration and caravan experiences are the most popular educational tourism selections among Chinese mothers. 

More than 60% of family holidays are planned by women, with women taking the lead on destinations, budgets, and scheduling, according to the report. 

“In the future, will conduct more analysis and research on female travel and offer more female-friendly travel products and services,” said Sun Jie, CEO of Group.